It’s Like We’re Strangers Now, Where Did All Our Love Go?

One day we’re a couple, the next day we’re like strangers. This sudden gap can feel so cold and empty. It can be so hard to understand that we might start doubting if our love was even real. Here I explain how to understand this gap, and why it can even show that our love and connection were real and deep.

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Honesty’s Double Edge: Protecting Chapter B Love From Well-intentioned Truths

Ever been hurt by your partner’s truths? Even if wrapped in nice words? Ever given feedback that hurt? Although you meant well? Do you sometimes need to be too careful when sharing? Wondering why respect and kindness are not always enough? You’re not alone. Ayelet and Opher launch their blog with a fresh look at honesty. One that is not just revealing of their journey. But may change how you look at truth in relationships.

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How Could My Ex Move On So Soon?

Is your ex already with someone new while you’re still hurting from the breakup?
Do you want to understand how they moved on so fast?
Are you wondering if it’s even possible to move on so quickly after truly loving someone?

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